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Overview | Script Analysis | Rough Cut Analysis |Primetime TV Humanistic
Writing Competition


"Goodwill is the mightiest practical force in the Universe."
- The Talmud.

Script Analysis

The goal of our Script Analysis work is to help writers achieve their creative vision while increasing support for our Wellness Projects thru the consultation fee. In keeping with our mission, our goal is to help you to write high quality very funny, fresh material about meaningful topics that audiences will enjoy very much.

Students, entry level writers and experienced writer/producers are encouraged to submit material. Material must be professionally formatted. It must be a comedy. It can be a pilot, outline, treatment, current series script or screenplay. It can be a script that you are considering to submit to a writer's workshop or competition, or to an Agent for potential representation. We also accept material from Agents on behalf of their clients. Analysis is confidential. The consultation fee is payable to "Rx Laughter" and is therefore tax deductible.

Your script will be analyzed by Sherry Dunay Hilber, analyst for Warner Bros. Television Writer's Workshop (4 seasons as of January 2013), the Academy of Moton Picture Arts and Sciences Nicholl Fellowship, Fox Broadcast Network Writer's Intensive Program, CBS Diversity Workshop and the DisneyABC Talent Development Writers Fellowship. She supervised overall creative content on behalf of the ABC and CBS primetime divisions for over a decade, supervising overall content of scripted primetime episodic series including Roseanne, Home Improvement, Cybill. Sherry is the Founder of Rx Laughter, where she also produces material on the site and created and supervised the Rx Laughter Primetime Television Humanistic Writing Competitions.

There is a discount for students. Please contact us for specific fees and more information at ContactRxLaughter@gmail.com. Please type "to Sherry Hilber" in the subject line. Thanks.