Research Team at the Mahavajiralongkorn Cancer
Center in Thailand, a division of the National Cancer Institute:
Message from the Director
of the
Mahavajiralongkorn Cancer Center:

Headquarters for our Research partnership:
The Mahavajiralongkorn Cancer Center in Thailand.

The Head Nurse of Radiology & Outpatient Services
Khun Wanna RN (standing) with Nurse Khemachit
Mookdadee and some patients.
Nurse Khun Wanna: "Humor therapy is a brand
new concept in Thailand. This research is innovative. Before, we
just focused on medicine, but now we are looking at holistic alternatives
to complement the coping process of our patients. It is exciting
to learn & observe the benefits that the patients receive from
this humor therapy"

Nurse Khemachit Mookdadee who is in charge
of our research data collection.
"Humor therapy has become important to these
cancer patients. It helps them to enjoy life and forget some of
their pain. The patients are relaxed, able to reduce their anxiety,
and generally sleep better. This leaves their overall health in
a better state"

Research Team:
The Staff on Ward 6 of the NCI Hospital in Thailand.

Joy Bhosai (right), Fulbright Scholar & Rx Laughter
Principal Investigator with Head Hospice
Nurse Suwanna Inthong.
Ms. Bhosai: "I'm excited about studying humor
therapy, particularly how patients respond to these sessions. While
it is important to treat cancer with biomedicine, it is also nice
to see how humor can be used to complement the patients' overall
well being. Most importantly, we are able to see how laughter, or
even a simple smile, may be reflected in patients self-reports of
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Patient consents have been given to show these photos exclusively
on the Rx Laughter website. No reproduction, distribution or other
usage is allowed elsewhere for any reason whatsoever.